7th Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks - WMAN 2013
Workshop date: Monday, March 11, from 13.30h to ~17.30h
in conjunction with Networked Systems (NetSys) 2013
March 11 - 15, 2013, Stuttgart/Germany
News: Workshop program updated, including keynote. We are looking forward to seeing you in Stuttgart!
Paper submission instructions:
Submissions are expected in English, shall follow the IEEE transactions, 2 column, 11 pt format, A4 paper with a maximum of 3 pages extended abstracts that should clearly outline the content of the proposed talk. All submissions will undergo a relevancy check. If more submissions are received than presentation slots are available, workshop chairs will select submissions based on relevancy to the workshop and the potential to raise discussions among participants. During the event, each presenter will be given a 20 min. slot to present his/her topic followed by a 20 min. slot for discussions. This stresses that talks have the main purpose to stimulate discussions.
Accepted abstracts will be published online as a technical report of University of Ulm (Ulmer Informatik Berichte). Submissions in PDF format only and/or possible questions should be directed to the workshop co-chairs at wman2013@cs.uni-bonn.de.
Important Dates:
WMAN 2013 submission / review schedule is as follows:
- November 30, 2012: Deadline for submitting extended abstracts.
- December 23, 2012: Notification of acceptance.
- TBA: Camera ready version.